Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Serpent Quest

Book 2 in the Andy Smithson series takes the reader on another perilous quest together with the hero who turned eleven at the start of the book. Venom of the Serpent's Cunning by L. R. W. Lee is another wild romp through the magical land of Oomaldee and more. The author continues his output of fantastic creatures and their habitats.

Andy Smithson had managed to spirit himself out of his fairy kingdom home to dreary school day routine all by his own mistake at the end of Book 1 Blast of the Dragon's Fury. Now he had to wait until he was recalled to his home from home.

Once he had been magicked back into medieval Oomaldee, he could get involved again with its politics and games. His inneru returns, but it lacks the confrontational spirit from the previous book and is therefore much less fun.

This however doesn't diminish the fun to be had out of this book. Physics become suspended as the hero and his cohorts venture underwater to find the fabled library of Oomaldee on a far island outside of the kingdom.

On the way there they are beset by the enemy as well as by their own shortcomings. As is the case, there is a learning curve for the hero that takes him out of his video game comfort zone into his inner self to confront the characteristics that mark any teenager and make them less than attractive.

Blast of the Dragon's Fury showed that the hero is stubborn, Venom of the Serpent's Cunning takes this perception to obstinate. Go get the book and spend an enjoyable time in a land far far away where you used to go in when you were the same age. The book is available on Amazon Kindle.

Further reading
Here Be Dragons
Teenage Warrior Club
Magic Is Dangerous

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