Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Sorcerer Apprentice No More

In the fourth book of the Belgariad series, the apprentice arrives at his destination. The worst kept secret (at least for the reader) is being revealed to all the world. And all the world means the universe and everything. While the previous books were dominated by a group interaction, this book now changes tack to a more stationary and divisive lifestyle. This can go only so far, though.

The Belgariad's first three books were played out as a great group travelling together with many often humorous interchanges between the members. The tail end of this is happening at the beginning of this book while they make their way back into the West and the final destination of Riva. The reader is aware of that since book one, but many of the travelers are oblivious to the fact that this was the goal all along, so much happened to them.

It's testament to David Eddings's writing skill that this is believable in a way where it keeps the story going. With the arrival in Riva, everything changes; the nomad lifestyle is exchanged for a sedentary one; the group is split up; the apprentice becomes the master. The transition is well done, considering it is a difficult one to carry off without losing characters and humorous exchanges.

Then the pace changes again as Garion makes the decision to travel alone into the East, but finally takes two companions with him. The ensuing scenes on the Island of Riva are high comedy. Meanwhile, the three travelers make their way to and through Drasnia. Adventures abound for the travelers while intrigue is going on in Riva.

The story has some major adjustments to make while doing a dance on the high rope to let Garion and Princess Ce'Nedra grow up to fill their roles. The dance is off the rope several times, but it doesn't impede the amusement of reading the story in the least. The eternal bickering between Belgarath and Polgara is impeded by distance, and I missed the caustic wit of those exchanges.

Castle of Wizardry is the fourth book of the Belgariad written by David and Leigh Eddings. It can be downloaded for Kindle. While all the Belgariad books are promoted to be read independently as well as a series, I recommend that starting with book 1 and ending with book 5 gives the most enjoyment.

Further reading
Book 3 of the Belgariad
Book 2 of the Belgariad
Book 1 of the Belgariad

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